Tucker & Dale vs. Canadian Flicks

 As a rule I tend to stay away from Canadian movies unless I’m in the mood for 2 hours of painfully unfunny attempts at comedy or an excruciating period drama about…well I have no idea since I usually fall asleep within the first 15 minutes.  The thing is I desperately want to like Canadian grown flicks.  I know there’s a goldmine worth of creative talent living this side of the border.  I’ve worked of few of those people myself and some I call my friends.  (Well I call them my friends.  Really I just harbor an intense hatred born of jealously of their skills which I mask under the guise of friendship.  That is until I figure out a way to sabotage their careers that doesn’t lead back to me) some of the greatest on screen comedians that ever lived have some Canuck heritage.  Hell, the director of the 2 most successful films of all time is Canadian!

So why do Canadian movies suck?  I was of the mind that I’d never see a Canadian flick that I would genuinely like without making excuses for it.  That is, until I saw Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.
I think the thing I’m most impressed with Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (henceforth referred to as TDVE because typing that more than twice gets old really fast) is it’s brilliantly simple story. Tucker and Dale are two best friends on vacation at their broken down vacation cottage. They’re mistaken for murderous hillbillies by a group of stereotypical preppy college kids who believe the hapless duo is out to get them.  Mayhem and hilarity ensue! Wakka Wakka Wakka!

My friends and I stumbled on onto this trailer by accident while looking for a movie to watch.   And what a happy accident it was.  Starring Alan Tudyk (of Firefly fame!) and Tyler Labine (of Breaker High fame!) Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (dammit! I forgot to use the abbreviated term. Gahhhhh.  It’s too late.  I don’t want go all the way back and delete it.  Because then I’d have to delete THIS and that’s just like, way too much effort.  God damn it.) does a brilliant job of introducing its concept quickly so we can get to the gags.  And what gags!  The movie relies on the likable personality of the stars to deliver some great dialogue while setting up some gruesome and hilarious deaths. 

The dark comedy takes the concept and just runs with it.  It doesn’t slow down to tell us “Hey!  I’m Canadian!”  Which I think is a mistake a lot of other Canuck productions make.  Like “Good Cop, Bon Cop “Hey!  He’s a straight laced cop from Ontario!  And he’s a wacky French-Canadian cop from Quebec!  Isn’t this funny?”  The answer is no.  It isn’t.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was the funiest movie I've seen in a long time.  It's up there with Dumb & Dumber and The Hangover.  If you like to laugh do yourself a favor and check it out.


omg i saw this movie a couple years ago and it is freakn hilarious!!

January 8, 2012 at 12:15 PM comment-delete

I was blown away by it. A very pleasent surprise!

January 8, 2012 at 6:10 PM comment-delete

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