The Blogging Game

My new year's resolution was to be more consistent with my web presence.  I've neglected all the social medias for years due to A) Laziness and B) A belief that social media doesn't really matter that much.  Over the course of 2011 I realized that social media and online networking is absolutley crucial to what I do. Hence me getting back into the blogging game...

...Except I found out my old blog has been deleted. (I have a sneaking suspicion that I deleted it, but I'd much rather blame the good people at  So for the second time in my blogging career I'm restarting my blog with a fresh new account. Am I instilling confidence yet?  Awesome.

But this blog will be slightly different from my last.  For one I'm going to try to update it daily.  Now that won't mean I'll be posting art every day, cause that would be crazy.  I'll break things up with colourful commentary on pop culture. Or if I'm really lazy I'll just post links to things I think are cool.

It'll be interesting to see how long this will last.

So to celebrate my inaugural post, some artwork! Yay!


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